Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A summary of year 2008

It's suprising how time can pass quickly.To me everyday drags by slowly,but weeks,months,years??Fast as lightning!!!So many things can be remembered this year..(as with other years,to be truthful.Just as a note.)

Perhaps the REAL big change is that I've graduated to secondary school.After six years of seeing the same faces and working our aim towards one-okay..maybe more than one:some people's purpose in life is growing.Or simply living.Nothing wrong,when you actually think about it.- thing,which is getting that wretched 5A's and going to high school.

High school can do many things to you.When I first came in,I got horrified just by looking at the school itself.For lovers of the school who may be reading this post,please take no offense: that was then,this is now.For a newcomer who had been experiencing freedom within walls of a...more cheery school,SMKBJ seemed a little appaling.It didn't help when a certain person told my mom and I about the 'horrific' discipline cases of the school.To cut a long story short,I grew to be fond of the school(as my teacher's predicted and I so determinedly denied)and met many new friends.It sounds like your typical new school regime but for those who have been through the tears and the fears of leaving others behind,breaking up or losing touch with friends,your position in society(admittedly I haven't gone through this stage yet)and et cetera,I'm sure we all understand that the roughest lines only carry illusions from within..in other words everything isn't what it seems to be.After all,I am sure that everybody has their own buried secrets..or events.I certainly have mine,though they may be revealed in due course.For the dramatic effect:



(evil laughter ceases)

I can't say I don't regret some of the past,though.Throughout this whole year I met with some people I could have had the chance to know better..people like Ee Lyn,Nurul Jannah Form 2,Faris,Nazerin,Firdaus,Natrah Ain,Balqis,Ashli,Atikah...

and so the list goes on..

I truly appreciate getting to know all these people,and more beloved and closer friends like Sura/Soya(Suraya),Shamine,Dahlia,Karina ,Airah.And for those people I know who are leaving this school because it's their last year or they got offers to a boarding school,perhaps I'll be able to meet them some other time,when I've grown up or something.Nobody knows..

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